Despite being a beloved corporate overlord of the entertainment industry, every now and then there's just a Disney project that just sort of becomes...lost to time. Perhaps it's due to timing, perhaps it's due to lack of availability, but whatever the reason, some things Disney makes are just lost in the shuffle, never to be seen or heard from again. Until I come along and remind you all they exist, via this blog. This weeks post is one of those times. When I was a little girl, I caught a movie on TV. To be fair, I didn't even know it was a Disney movie for the longest time, and also, I was never really an enormous Disney fan to begin with, so. Either way, I caught a movie on TV, and that movie was called Susie Q. What makes Susie Q extremely interesting to me is not actually how lost it is, though that's interesting too, but more so that it's a Disney movie. Well, to be fair, it wasn't actually a Disney movie proper, they were simply the distributors of it ...