Back in the early 2000s, Cartoon Network went through an extremely strange time period airing very artsy almost surreal cartoons long before stuff the likes of Adventure Time made it normalized. Among these shows was one such cartoon titled "Whatever Happened To Robot Jones?", whose title became thusly - and I feel somewhat intentionally - prophetic, because now people often ask it themselves. I always took the title to be a sort of joke on the question people ask long after they've graduated school and think back to their youthful days, saying, "Gee, I wonder whatever happened to Caleb Browning?" But as it turns out - and as I said I think the creator did this rather, brilliantly, intentionally so the show would become even funnier with age based purely off the title alone - now it has a somewhat entirely different meaning. I loved this weird artsy quirky period of Cartoon Network which aired a lot of shows I'll likely be covering on this blog because nobod...